Works in Progress
Whoa it is so hard to keep up with my crazy schedule of posting to this blog once a week. So hard. There just doesn't see to be enough time in the week... ;) Once a week is all I have ever really been able to maintain. That's just how it has been for me. My post idea for this week included a video tutorial. I thought that would be fun. I made the video but I can't seem to get the video off my iPhone so here we go with plan B. I'll just show you a few things I have in process.
First I sneak peaked this find on Facebook a few weeks ago. I found it in the back of an antique store and had to have it. It's the front of an old built in bookcase. My plan is to make it into a linen storage cabinet in our hallway. Or sell it. So far I have built a cabinet and attached this piece to the front. I haven't built anything in a while so it's been really fun. Now I just need to decide on the right trim for the sides and bottom. Then what color I going to paint it.
Next up I have stripped (I know I'm insane) and re-stained this farm table for my friend Heather. I will never do it again, which I say every time I strip something. We decided to mix a custom color of two parts Black and one part Dark Walnut and it is stunning. Second coat went on today and just needs a top coat. I can't wait to see it in here dining room. We went to design school together a million years ago and we can talk about decorating, paint colors, furniture etc for days and days. Sometimes when we thrift & antique shop together she buys what I want to buy and I want to push her down.
I have several chairs lying around the house in various states of being stripped of there old fabric and foam. This one I have two of. They are stripped down painted and waxed and waiting on fabric I ordered on line to finish them. The others I just am not feeling yet.
This cabinet. Wouldn't it look cool with tall curvy legs added to make it a display cabinet? Or maybe cool corbels to hang it on the wall. I'll know it when I find it.
Yesterday I picked up this Full size bed. I tried to walk away but he kept lowering the price until I knew I'd think about it for the rest of my life if I didn't buy it. It came with a dresser and a wash stand.
I love the crown detail, some little princess needs this bed painted in hmmm..... classic white, a fun soft pink, what do I do? I could cut it up and make a bench or coat rack but it could be so great for some little girl right? Would you have passed on it?
So am I the most random furniture picker on the planet or what?
I have officially done what my husband told me he was never letting me do. That is I took over a corner of his shop with my furniture stash. My shop is full. He says I only have til next weekend to get the stuff out of there but we all know that ain't gonna happen.
First I sneak peaked this find on Facebook a few weeks ago. I found it in the back of an antique store and had to have it. It's the front of an old built in bookcase. My plan is to make it into a linen storage cabinet in our hallway. Or sell it. So far I have built a cabinet and attached this piece to the front. I haven't built anything in a while so it's been really fun. Now I just need to decide on the right trim for the sides and bottom. Then what color I going to paint it.
(first coat of stain)
Next up I have stripped (I know I'm insane) and re-stained this farm table for my friend Heather. I will never do it again, which I say every time I strip something. We decided to mix a custom color of two parts Black and one part Dark Walnut and it is stunning. Second coat went on today and just needs a top coat. I can't wait to see it in here dining room. We went to design school together a million years ago and we can talk about decorating, paint colors, furniture etc for days and days. Sometimes when we thrift & antique shop together she buys what I want to buy and I want to push her down.
I have several chairs lying around the house in various states of being stripped of there old fabric and foam. This one I have two of. They are stripped down painted and waxed and waiting on fabric I ordered on line to finish them. The others I just am not feeling yet.
This cabinet. Wouldn't it look cool with tall curvy legs added to make it a display cabinet? Or maybe cool corbels to hang it on the wall. I'll know it when I find it.
Yesterday I picked up this Full size bed. I tried to walk away but he kept lowering the price until I knew I'd think about it for the rest of my life if I didn't buy it. It came with a dresser and a wash stand.
I love the crown detail, some little princess needs this bed painted in hmmm..... classic white, a fun soft pink, what do I do? I could cut it up and make a bench or coat rack but it could be so great for some little girl right? Would you have passed on it?
So am I the most random furniture picker on the planet or what?
I have officially done what my husband told me he was never letting me do. That is I took over a corner of his shop with my furniture stash. My shop is full. He says I only have til next weekend to get the stuff out of there but we all know that ain't gonna happen.