Mimi vs the Dresser

Help me please.   This little dresser is killing me.  I picked it up over a month ago because it was inexpensive, solid wood and I figured I could do something with it, no problem.  

Except I cant stand it.  It started with me thinking hmm I have this can of Old Violet ASCP that I won a while back that I haven't used yet.  I will just paint it with that. 

That didn't do it.  So I distressed it.

Still not right.  I went searching for ideas.  Enter the 1st, 2nd, 3rd.  I hand painted those babies on there.  

Still NO. That trim with the leaf design was throwing me off...

Why not dry brush a little Old White on it to highlight it's awesomeness.

Um NO.  This thing keeps getting worse and worse.

So basically I have learned a very important lesson:


Sorry little dresser I'm just not that into you.  Thank goodness I just finished waxing a piece I do love and restored my faith in myself. 

I think at this point I should donate it and cut my losses.  What would you do?