My kitchen island is done!  I am very happy about how it came out but let me start this post by explaining that I am in the middle of our kitchen remodel and general de-pine-ing (as in painting the yellow pine that is everywhere) of the cabin so it's a bit odd looking in photos.  Half of everything is pine/maple half is white and now with the addition of the dark stained island top well it's kinda crazy looking.  But I have a plan.

If you remember our home was originally a log cabin.   It consisted of a main room (which is now our

craft room/office)

and a loft in the back.  Below the loft was the carport.  Later the kitchen and a small bathroom were built were the carport used to be.  Eventually more rooms were added which all make up the quirky place we live in now.  I don’t think there could be a home better suited for me, I love the quirky.

I wanted the island to look like it had come out of an old store. 

You know like the old mercantile in Anne of Green Gables or something.  Tell me you know that movie.  Reminds me of my mom and sister with our ginormous bowl of popcorn, popping the VHS into the old VCR.  It was fancy it had a remote, on like an 8 foot cord, attached to the VCR. Ha I'm old. (OK mom next time you visit that's what we are doing, busting out AOGG.)  So anyways I chose to make the shelf slatted because I like the way it looks.  I painted the inside white to keep it light.

I'm loving the two large drawers.  The large basket holds small sauce pans and lids the small basket holds our Food Saver seal a meal thingy.

Now you may notice that the counter only overhangs the island about 5" and you might think it a bit odd.   Well it is odd but there is a couple reasons why I did it that way.  One is space, but mostly because when I was at Ikea looking at counter tops I thought it would hang over more.  Cause I didn't do the math right.  I thought the island was 24" but it is actually 25" and also the counter needs to hang over 1" in the front so oopsy my 7" overhang turned into 5", but I think it worked out fine.  It gives enough of an overhang to get you knees under.  I still need to find some brackets, it needs a little bling in that area. I'm sure I will find some eventually.  

So what did I build it out of?  

An old door of course.  Months ago when I built my dining room


out of the white door above I hinted I had a plan for the big brown door and this was it.  It only took me 6 months.....

You can see what we had before was smaller and more open (and pine ugh).  The island definitely is larger and visually heavier but it works for us.  The kitchen is tiny with hardly any counter space we really needed a larger work surface.   

So there she is. I will post the how to and more details on how I built it soon but for now I just wanted to show a few pictures.  I would do it all in one post but seriously, I talk too much.  My post are too long gotta break these things up. 

Thank you so much for hanging out and for your homework go watch Ann of Green Gables with your sister/daughter/mother/niece or friend, It's good stuff.   

-new Island/peninsula


plate rack cabinet



& ceiling 

-paint cabinets

-paint archway

-granite counter top 

-farmhouse sink

-new tile back splash


p.s. I know it is actually a peninsula not an island because it's attached to the wall but I like the word island better don't you?