It's My Blogiversary & a Giveaway

You know those annoying people who tell you it’s going to be their birthday the entire week prior just in case you might forget.  I’m totally that person.   I get a whole birthday week.

This week is not my birthday but it is my


week!  One whole glorious year of this here blog! 


first post

on January 28th 2011.  I still love that pillow.

As a thank you for reading and to celebrate I want to

give away


$25 Gift Card

to one of my awesome readers!

I could never put into words how much I appreciate you reading my blog.  Your comments and emails are such a gift.  Thank you!

I also want to thank a few blogs for the opportunity to strut my stuff at their link parties.   There are several parties out there but here’s where I like to play every week.

Savvy Southern Style-Wow us Wednesday

Shabby Creek Cottage- Transformation Thursdayay

Miss Mustard Seed- Furniture Feature Friday

Funky Junk Interiors –Saturday Night Special

My Repurposed life- Catch as Catch Can

There are so many people that have encouraged and inspired me this past year and although I can't list them all I do want to send a shout out to Gail from

My Re-purposed life

blog.   This woman is my hero.  She inspires me.   Her's is the first blog I found with a woman who like to build things.  She made me realize that


could have a blog of my own.  She’s also the first person I felt comfortable emailing just to ask a question.  I was a little scared cause I'm a little bit shy about stuff like that but I just knew she would help me and she has.  So thank you Gail.  I’m sure you all know about her blog and fabulous link party but if not you should play there.  

Blogging is so funny, most days I love it then some days I feel a overwhelmed by it.  Just when I think "why am I doing this" someone will leave an encouraging comment or send a sweet email and I fall in love with it all over again.

To enter the give away: 

  you must either be a follower or subscriber of my blog and leave a comment in this post.   That’s it.  I will announce the winner on Saturday January 28th.

Thanks again for stopping by my little blog!