Santa Has Come to the Cabin
Have I mentioned I collect Santas? Well I do. Love them. Today I worked on staining the top of the new kitchen island I have been building and in between coats seemed like the perfect time to bust out the Santas. I have quite an odd collection. My tastes have really changed over the last few years. I have been drawn to the more folkish quirky Santas lately rather than the more traditional ones I started my collection with.
I decided to group all the folksy types together on my dining room display shelf. I built this shelf a few years ago before I had ever heard of a blog. It is the third shelf I built for this space. The first one was a plate rack similar to the one I built
, the second was a deeper three cubbie shelf that definitely did not work in this space. I sold them both at a Holiday Bazaar a few years back. The back door opens right into this wall so I needed something that wasn't very deep. I wanted it simple and rustic. Normally I display my white dishes here.
don't they just make you smile?
I also brought out some of my favorite wispy garland and ornaments for our hutch. I decided to use what I have. I have been fighting the urge to go out and by all new mercury glass ornaments. I am in looooove with that look this year. Thank goodness when I saw my old Christmas balls in red, green & golds well I love that look too, so free won.
I filled my old wood bowl with a few pine cones and the jewel toned balls.
Hmmm needs some Santas I think.
My Sister made me those two Santas. She knows I collect quirky ones and she saw a pattern at the fabric store for the one riding the chicken and just had to make it for me.
I love it. I opened it in front of the entire family that Christmas and we all just died. It's hysterical.
The next year she made this one.
I mean look at the detail on these things. Oh they make me so happy. Not everyone has these babies.
Then there is Jeeves. My husband buys me a Santa every year and one year he bought me Jeeves instead. He is my favorite. You're thinking I'm a little weird right now aren't you. Really I do have some normal Santas and I will get around to putting those out eventually.
Back to the kitchen island. It's really shouldn't be taking me this long to finish but the design choices are what have been holding me up. What color to paint it, what kind of top to use, Hardware?
I will have the top finished this week. Stain is drying as we speak then a few coats of poly to do. Can't wait to show you.
Have a great week!