Rockery Progress

I thought I'd share an update of our Rockery project.

There is still alot to do.  The area to the left where the rock pile is needs to be finished and then more gravel will be hauled.  The area to the right, which I'm not showing because it is a mess, will have to wait until some equipment is available. There is a large concrete pad that needs to come out that used to be part of a dog kennel.  We decided to take it out because in three years Charli has not set foot in it. 

I used some rocks to make steps.  In pictures they look sorta dangerous don't they?  I have gone up and down them now dozens of times they're stable.   I want to plant some succulents or maybe some thyme in between them.  I will also plant some hens and chicks here and there in the rockery because I love them.

The maple tree will be planted in the ground eventually.  I haven't decided exactly where or what to plant around it. 

This area gets full sun most of the day so whatever I pick will have to like full sun.

I still don't know about that blue Garage door.  I swear it's not that bright in person, or maybe it is and I'm just in denial


Gotta hold Charli's ball in just the right spot to get the money shot.

Slowly but surely were moving along. Hey if you've got any suggestions on plants for me I'd love to hear from you.  

Thanks for stopping by!