Display for Pretti

I finally finished it.  I have been all over the place with my projects lately so I am trying to FOCUS.  I made this for my friend Heidi.  I made myself one very similar a while back except mine is 4 feet long and white.  I love having a pretty place to display all my jewelry.  Not that I own any expensive jewelry just fashion stuff like in these pictures.  It makes me so happy when I walk in my closet and they are hanging organized and I can find what I want. It's art to me.

To make this I used a 1x6 pine board about 26" long and a piece of scrap moulding.  I used my chop saw to miter the corners of the molding to make it look a little more special. You could do this with one of those miter boxes and a hand saw too. 

Then I played around with spacing for the pegs and used my ruler that I use for cutting fabric to get the spacing right.  (I better get it back in the house before I ruin it in the shop). I ended up using seven pegs and spacing 3 1/4" apart. 

I used a drill press to make the holes, I love using it for pegs because you can adjust the bottom part so that when you pull the drill bit down to make the hole it stops at the right depth.  I used to use a regular drill and put tape on it so I wouldn't go all the way through.  I guess it really wouldn't matter on this if I went all the way through. I glued the pegs in. 

I used spray paint for the finish.  I sanded and was going to do another coat but I liked how it looked.  The moulding is white so I wiped on Jacobean stain by minwax to make it look wood tone. That's it.  If I had done it all at one time it wouldn't have taken long at all but I don't work that way.  I have what a lot of you probably have, design ADD.  I cant finish anything without starting 5 things in between.  Oh well whatcha gonna do.