Entry Shel
I build shelves.
That’s my favorite thing.
Some are in my home, some I have given away, some I have sold.
One of my favorites is the one I made for my entry.
Our entry is small about
4 1/2’X6’ with the front door at an angle. I wanted to make hall tree but there is really not room for one.
The door you see to the left is a closet. My inspiration came from a combination of the
(too big) and a shelf I saw on etsy. (I cant find it now to link to :( ) I knew I wanted lots of hooks and cubbies for display.
The bracket on the right I found at a salvage store. They had a bin full of them. I wish I would have bought more. It's decorative and it hides a wierd board the was sticking out of the wall. I told you my house is quirky right?
The bench I made from reclaimed wood. I love how rustic the wood is.
The basket is a great place to hold items that need to be brought out to my work shop like small tools, drill bits, screws. Those things are everywhere in my house.
Creative frenzies are messy, right
I made the shelf out of pine boards.
For the sides I drew the bracket design on paper first then cut it out and traced it onto the board.
I usually screw 2 boards together and cut them at one time with my jig saw so they are the same shape. (it's faster too)
Then I just fill in the holes with wood putty or leave them depending on how rustic I want it. To put it all together
I use my pneumatic nail gun and wood glue. I looove my nail gun! For the back I used a piece of beadboard.
To distress the wood this is my favorite tool.
(ok it's a board with nails through it)
Looks medieval right?
I think i
t gives rustic pieces some depth.
I just randomly pound on the wood til I get the desired effect.
Then I painted, sanded the edges and wiped wood stain on then off to age. Finishing is the hardest part for me. I have learned so much from other blogs but this is something I struggle with.
The old beat up oar was a gift from my husband.
I had mentioned I wanted to find one and one day he brought it home for me.
Better than roses.
He does listen to my rambling decorating talk.
Hope you like my shelf, thanks for visiting!