Milk Paint Chippy Success & Blog Goals for 2013
Because those two topics go so well together right? Can I just tell you that I am having so much fun playing with milk paint. Here's some pictures of a recent vanity I painted with you guessed it, Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint. I have been using it a lot lately since I am now teaching paint classes about it. How did I get that gig you ask? Totally fell into it and could not be happier.
For this piece I decided to make a custom mix using Luckett's Green and Kitchen Scale. I mixed equal parts of each color dry then added the water.
I LOVE this color.
To prep I did nothing to the vanity except wash it. It was stained a warm brown and I could tell it had a clear finish on top of that but it wasn't very shiny.
Two coats later and this paint did it's thing. All I had to do was lightly sand with medium grit sandpaper and it chipped and cracked just like it's supposed to in random places. I protected the finish with two coats of wax.
I found the sparkly knobs at Lowes.
This is my favorite piece ever. Until the next one.
So for the goal thing. I haven't gotten around to writing my business update post yet because the thought of writing a whole post about it just is too much so here's blog goal update. My goal for this blog in the next year is to focus mainly on builds and re-purpose projects. That is what I am the most passionate about. I also want to get back to working on our home and share some DIY home renovation projects. I have so many ideas it would take another 10 years to finish them. After starting my business I have ignored our home for at least the last 8 months. I neglected the housework and my projects were everywhere. It got to the point that I stopped inviting anyone over and if they showed up unannounced they were not invited in. I'm serious. That is just unacceptable. I was becoming a Hermit Hoarder. I haven't gotten my hair done in 8 months either. My roots are practically down to my earlobes. It has been weighing on me like a ton of bricks and I just have to stop the insanity!!! So I took a few weeks to clean and organize. You'd never know if you walked in right now but it is a lot better. I even asked my Mother and Father in law to come in the other day. Still need to make a hair appointment though.
My blog has grown in the last year so naturally I started to worry about what I felt my readers wanted to see. (sound familiar) which caused me to feel like I wasn't being true to myself. Then I didn't want to post, weeks would go by sometimes or my posts lacked any excitement. I know people can tell when I'm not excited about something. When I'm excited I spell things wrong and leave out important steps and use poor grammar. (so yes I am almost always excited)
An example of this is I purposely tried to limit the amount of posts about painted furniture makeovers last year. Why, because my stats, comments, and features on other blogs tell me that my readers prefer builds and re-purposes from me. It's was really hard to do that sometimes because painting was what I was doing most of the time. In the last year I have found such a love and appreciation for the art of painting furniture. I've been painting my projects for years but that was never my favorite part and it showed. Now sometimes it is my favorite part. I think Chalk and Milk paint really are all that and a bag of chips and those products have changed the way I paint. And wax, swoon, I love the way wax looks and feels on a painted piece. Just ask my husband I show and tell him every time I finish something.
So for this Blog in 2013 look for mainly builds and re-purpose projects for our home and for sale. I will also continue to throw in painted pieces when I'm excited about them. Look for more re-upholstery projects coming too because I just love doing it and I have two custom jobs coming up. (if those ladies could just pick a fabric ;)). I will post about my experience with my business and retail space soon, I promise. It is a hard post for me to write. It's so personal but there is so much I want to tell you about it. Oh and in spring I may get back to my Garden again. I totally neglected that last year too. I hope you stick around for the ride. I appreciate all the support you give me. It still amazes me. I was telling a new friend about what blogging means to me the other day and I got kinda teary eyed. I hadn't even finished my beer yet so that says a lot.
Goodbye 2012. Really, truly it was a great year. I learned so much about myself. First and foremost that I do not want to be a Hermit Hoarder with bad hair. I'm making an appointment today Also I need to be more purposeful. With my business, my blog and my relationships. Make time for friends and family, celebrate small victories, and be open to and ready when opportunities come my way.
Last thing, Is anyone going to Haven in August? I'm going with my friend Katie and I cannot wait! Comment or send me an email if you are, I would love to meet you!

Playing at the following parties:
Farm House Porch - Cowgirl Up
Knick of Time Interiors - Knick of Time Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style - Wow us Wednesdays
Knick of Time Interiors - Knick of Time Tuesday
Savvy Southern Style - Wow us Wednesdays
Primp - Primp Your Stuff Wednesday
Full Circle Creations - All Star Block Party
My Romantic Home - Show and Tell Friday
My Repurposed Life - Catch as Catch Can
French Country Cottage - Feathered Nest Friday
Funky Junk Interiors - SNS
Miss Mustard Seed - Furniture Feature Friday
Common Ground - Be Inspired Friday
Alderberry Hill - Make the Scene Monday
Full Circle Creations - All Star Block Party
My Romantic Home - Show and Tell Friday
My Repurposed Life - Catch as Catch Can
French Country Cottage - Feathered Nest Friday
Funky Junk Interiors - SNS
Miss Mustard Seed - Furniture Feature Friday
Common Ground - Be Inspired Friday
Alderberry Hill - Make the Scene Monday